Thursday, November 17, 2005

Here's another photo (the first one is in the archives about a year back) of the pagoda CKS built in memory of his mother. There's a huge bell at the top which you can bang, which is fun. Also the view at the top is spectacular. Well worth a visit.


Glen said...

Hey bru. Kiff pics again. Still no word from HESS! Wonder why? Anyway, what I wanted to know is, will you be showing face around S.A. anytime soon? Like for Christmas and New Year? Kinda keen to see you at some stage. What's happening to this blog address when you leave T1? I ask because its probably the most reliable way to find you. Had a disastrous round of golf with High Chief Overlord Dictator Big - man # 5 (That would be James) yesterday! Wind was fresh - to say the least and adding to that, I haven't played in a long while. Needless to say, the invisible golf ball monsters that are rife at the Grahamstown course had a hearty feast at my expense. James only lost one ball! Chop!

RoG said...

Have they at least phoned you?