Thursday, November 17, 2005

Our church home group went to visit Sun Moon Lake for a time of bonding. It was excellent exept for some guy singing random kareoke songs at 7am in the morning. Anyway, here's a spooky tree against a near full moon-lit sky. The bright spots are painted with a torch.


Anonymous said...

What is this torch that you have? Sounds like a nifty photography tool... and creates really cool effects on your pictures! (^.^)

RoG said...

Any powerful flashlight will work, really. I have a cool torch with a single 3.5 watt LED. It's really bright and gives off a nice white color.

Monique Rielle said...

This is an amazing picture!!

RoG said...

Thanks for the compliment Moni. Is that really you in your profile picture?