Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Too much academic work. Time for some pictures. This photo features me and my dad at the top of the very steep no. 3 walking trail in Dakeng. You'll have to click on the photo to see us at the top.


Glen said...

Hehe. Almost as steep as our Hog - 1 climb eh Rog? At least you didn't have any fainting trip. members to hinder you here. Looks beautiful

RoG said...

No ways! This was lank easy compared to Hog 1. Shees that was a good time :)

Anonymous said...

That's a cool set of stairs... it's so... rustic, if that's the right word. I thought you'd only be able to find something like that in the movies! (^.^) Nice pictures!

RoG said...

Thaks a lot for the comment. Lu. There are actually quite a lot of nice things to see when you get out of the city. I think Taibei is even better.