Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And here's the cave I mentioned. A woman called Chi-Oang used to preach to whoever would listen in this cave while 2 guards would stand guard in case the Japanese authorities came along.


April said...

Don't know if you'll even get this, since it looks like it's been a while since you've posted. Anyway, I stumbled onto your page while searching for information on Chi-Oang and the church in Taroko Gorge. I was sharing the story at our Bible study and couldn't remember her name. We visited there in 2008 when we came to finalize the adoption of our daughter and bring her home. If you were still there I would tell you to visit The Home of God's Love orphanage in Luodong and meet the missionaries who have spent their lives doing the Lord's work and bringing so many families together!God Bless you wherever you are!

RoG said...

I did receive the message. Thanks, April. Unfortunately, I'm not in that area anymore, so won't be able to visit anytime soon, but I'm glad that my post was of some use.

God bless!