That's a crazy work day.
9 am - wake up
9:15 - exercise and shower
9:45 - breakfast
10:00 - devotional time
10:20 - clean up sort out books etc.
10:30ish - head off to branch.
10:45 - mark frantically
12:30 - grab lunch
12:40 - take back defective cable for my new phone
13:00 - head back to branch
13:05 - mark frantically
13:25 - drive like a maniac to my other branch to deliver some books.
13:30 - drive like a crazy maniac to my other branch.
13:45 - Eat my lunch
13:55 - Great (sarcasm). I have 5 minutes to prepare for my Treehouse class.
2:00 - Treehouse class
4:00 - Write comments in communication books as fast as I can. Clean classroom. Rush
4:15 - Prepare to be a substitute teacher for Craig's class. I have little idea what's going on.
4:30 - OK here we go, Clubhouse class.
6:30 - (see 4:00 entry)
6:45 - Drive like a psycho maniac back to my main branch.
6:50 - Run inside. Rush
6:55 - Great (sarcasm). I have 5 minutes to prepare for my Advanced 'Modern English' class.
7:00 - Here we go again. Damn, I'm hungry.
8:50 - Whew. The day's over. NOT!!!!
8:50 - (see 4:00 entry)
9:05 - Give a kid a telephone test.
9:10 - Supper time.
9:15 - Phone other branch to discuss disasterous test results with one of my Chinese co teachers.
9:45 - Discuss something to do with schedules of kids I'm interviewing tomorrow.
10ish. Begin comments in Treehouse books.
10:30ish - Frantically pack up and gather things to get out before the branch closes.
10:40 Finish writing comments in the rest of the Treehouse books on my scooter seat.
11:00 Stop into McDonald's.
11:30 - head home after staring into space for a good 15 minutes.
12:00 - here I am.
This is the outlook for the next 24 hours:
12:15 am - commence marking QD4 homework books.
1:15 am - take a break
1:30 am - commence marking CD2 homework books
2:30 am - sleep.
OK I'm bored now and so are you.
Must work must work must work must work must work.