Thursday, January 05, 2006

Building a large apartment complex is pretty expensive, so to finance the cost, the construction company usually sells a large number of the apartment units even before the first truck of concrete arrives. To interest people in their amazing new building, the companies build elaborate and very nicely designed temporary showrooms, sometimes resembling the actual feel of the building to come, but usually just containing models and computer drawings of the planned apartments. This way they raise enough money to actaully build the place.


Anonymous said...

I just drop by....cus you're in someone's link list.
You got really good pics!! I seem to see more of Taiwan through your comera :-)

RoG said...

Hey thanks Ocean. It's comments like that that keep me motivated! Have a great new year, and feel free to come back periodically.

Anonymous said...

You know it's kinda ironic that me,a taiwanese,don't even feel anything new in my daily life.
I do enjoy those description u wrote about our culture.I guess that's why people travel.Refresh themselves and the locals as well.

RoG said...

Well, actually I never thought I'd be refreshing the locals! I just assume that most Taiwanese people tend to look at Chinese web pages only. I guess that's not true.