Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Strange fruit

As I've noted before, Taiwan has some strange fruit. Here's a disturbingly-purple photo of a type of fairly tastless but shockingly bright fruit, and what it does to your tongue!


Anonymous said...

is it dragon fruit?
you should try the white one.

RoG said...

I have tried the white one. I didn't know it was the same thing. Is this colour natural?
Thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

there are 3 different types, and i just found out the colour is natural.
i have the same question when i have it for the first time :)

eat more, this is what i found from googling them ....
they are actually rich in vitamins,help the digestive process,help prevent colon cancer and diabetes, help to neutralize toxic substances such as heavy metal, reduce cholesterol levels and high blood pressure,help against asthma and cough.

RoG said...

Ok, sounds like something healthy to do!

RoG said...

Update... I've been eating more of this stuff, because it's meant to be healthy, but when I go to the bathroom, it's all purple. It seriously freaked me out the first time!!!