Tuesday, November 23, 2004

GO GO JUICE. This stuff is potent! It's Green Tea, pronounced Lui Cha in Chinese. I heard a rumour that it's got more caffeine in it than coffee. Whether this is true or not, I'm not sure, but it does a good job keeping me awake when I'm sleepy. It tastes great, too. Posted by Hello


Davida said...

Looks like you guys had a really good time. :)

RoG said...

Jaa, we did! It was great to get out of the city.

Glen said...

Dude. Are we still in the Tea has more caffeine than coffee stage?? Bru, I proved this to you LAST year.

Craig and Jo said...

Dude! That stuff is bad news! Gives me the shakes! And it's NOT as nice as you make it out to be!