Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Now I'm no art fundi, but this looks like a resonable oil painting to me. It was at the bottom of my apartment waiting to be thrown away, so I picked it up and took it home. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

No, Rog, you are not being serious!?!? This looks like a painting in a smelly, greasy old men's flat! It is above the couch in a golden frame. Don't tellme this is what you have become! :-) Eva

RoG said...

He he he he. Guess what? It has a golden frame! OK, I'll chuck it.

Anonymous said...

If it's real art don't trash it! I think it's pretty cool - maybe get it re-framed? Craig

Glen said...

Oh my!! You're a freak!! I thought you might be a thrift store kinda dude. I saw you looking longingly at the Penny Farthing in Bathurst every time we drove by on the way to P.A.!! Ja, Don't think I didn't notice mate. Pineapple beer rocks!!

RoG said...

Oooh. I would LOVE a cold glass of pineapple beer right now and a HUGE stick of biltong. That would be so nice.

Thanks for the nostalgia :)

Anonymous said...

This is Thinus de Jong meets Tretchikoff. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

This is Thinus de Jong meets Tretchikoff. Ouch!