So here's my picture of the day. I went for a photo shoot at midnight for no particular reason at an abandoned building site. There was this couch, and it was vaguely lit up by a traffic light. I decided to draw on it with my good ol LED torch. I think it worked out OK...
Why, thank ya ma'am!
Wow, Rog! This is amazing! And the thing is you could probably have taken this picture anywhere in the world! Really, really COOL! Love reading your blog by the way... Eva
Thanks Eva, but the curious thing is that leaving lounge chairs in all kinds of places that are not lounges seems to be am exclusive Taiwanese habit, so this photo is not completely unrelated to my blog :)
You are good man, GOOD!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? Y O U A R E F R I K K I N' T A L E N T E D ! ! !
Oh, By the way: After watching copious episodes of Futurama, I have realised that I am in fact, Dr. Zoidberg !!! There is no escaping the fact. We are just all going to have to deal with it...
Thanks, again :) OK, you can stop now, really!
Dr. Zoidberg is....
This has got to be my favorite picture of all your pictures... if I had a good quality printer, I'd print it out and frame it, with your permission that is. BTW, I really enjoy reading your blogs and seeing all the wonderful pictures that you take!
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