Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Please post a comment to my Gran on her 80th birthday!

It was my gran's 80th birthday a few days ago. Here is your opportunity to send your best wishes to a wonderful lady who deserves all of them(whether you know her or not) . Please post a nice comment even if you have nothing to say other than 'best wishes'. I'm sure she'll appreciate every one of them! I'll print them out and send them on to her when I've collected a couple! Thanks guys!


Glen said...

Best wishes for your 80th!!! Hope you had a wonderful day filled with God, family, friends and of course lots of nice prezzies. Here's to many more!!!! So once again, happy Birthday From Glen and everyone at His People church in Grahamstown who didn't see this.

IAMJIE! said...

Hope you keep healthy and happy forever. And it's really cool to have family's love.

(I am so envious of you Roger. Your grandma's still alive with you. I miss my grandpa and grandma so much!)