Friday, August 27, 2004

This one is a bit arb, but I liked the way the water droplets beaded on the fabric. The material is actually cream but I used Picassa's correct function which totally upped the contrast. It looks better this way, I think. Posted by Hello


Glen said...

You are a sad, strange man!!! But ur photography is good. How did u link ur site to mine???

RoG said...

Hey, it's easy, just add a URL in the text of your post. There's a button for that.

Anonymous said...

hey Rog, you've got a talent with taking pictures. keep posting more. i love to look at good photographs.


Anonymous said...

I love this droplets photo! I can see this and a few other of your micro/macro photos on a calendar one day!
Boo R

RoG said...

Shux, thanks for the praise guys - I'm blushing... I'm not really that good, but thanks to digital camera technology you can take a zillion photos and one or two of them are bound to turn out nicely!!!